Articles by John Rigolizzo
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LGBTQ Racial issues UConn student newspaper rolls out column for underrepresented and marginalized groups
'Open to students of color, women, persons with disabilities and the LGBTQIA+ community.'
Racial issues White Privilege University program teaches faculty and staff how they ‘support racism and white supremacy’
‘Boise State to faculty and staff: Come learn how white people are racists.'
Analysis Higher Ed Bubble Politics Elizabeth Warren’s pushing for free college. Meanwhile her Harvard professor husband earns $400,000 a year.
ANALYSIS: Enormous salaries represent one of the root causes of the problem of skyrocketing college costs.
Curriculum Politics Racial issues UVA to keep pro-Jefferson ‘Founder’s Day’ despite Charlottesville’s decision to nix presidential holiday
Two history professors say Jefferson deserves to be remembered.